Calm Kids

Mindfulness, Sleep, Stories and Yoga
Team Calm Kids
We understand the importance of mental and physical well-being in today's fast-paced world, and we believe that mindfulness is a key tool to promote calm and balance in children's lives.

Together, we are on a mission to empower children with mindfulness techniques and watch them grow into their best selves.

Join us in our journey!

Mindfulness for Elementary School Kids

Teaching Self-Regulation, Empathy, and Resilience

Mindfulness practices have been gaining popularity in recent years as a way to improve mental health and well-being in people of all ages. In particular, mindfulness can be a powerful tool for helping elementary school children develop important skills such as self-regulation, empathy, and resilience.


Mindfulness practices can help students develop self-awareness and self-regulation, which are crucial for academic success. Research shows that students who practice mindfulness have better attention and executive functioning, leading to improvements in grades and test scores.


Mindfulness practices can also promote empathy and compassion in elementary school students. By learning to pay attention to their own emotions and experiences, students can develop a better understanding of others' feelings and perspectives. Studies have found that mindfulness interventions can lead to improvements in social skills and reduced aggression in students.


Mindfulness practices can help students develop resilience, which is the ability to bounce back from setbacks and challenges. By teaching students to focus on the present moment and accept their thoughts and feelings without judgment, mindfulness practices can help them develop a growth mindset and the ability to persevere in the face of obstacles.

Scientific Findings

Scientific research supports the effectiveness of mindfulness practices in promoting self-regulation, empathy, and resilience in elementary school students. For example, a study published in the Journal of School Psychology found that elementary school students who participated in a mindfulness program had better emotional regulation and social skills than a control group. Another study published in the Journal of Educational Psychology found that mindfulness interventions led to improved academic performance in elementary school students.

Incorporating mindfulness into their daily routine can help parents of elementary school children reduce stress, improve communication and deepen their relationship with their children.

Teaching Mindfulness to Elementary School Children

Integrating mindfulness practices into the classroom can be a simple and effective way to teach children these important skills. Activities such as mindful breathing exercises, guided meditations, and mindful movement breaks can be incorporated into daily routines and can help children learn to focus their attention, manage their emotions, and build resilience.

At Calm Kids, we believe that mindfulness practices can be fun and engaging for children of all ages. Our mobile app offers a variety of guided meditations, breathing exercises, and mindfulness activities designed specifically for elementary school children. With Calm Kids, children can learn to manage their thoughts and emotions in a positive way, build empathy and resilience, and develop important skills for success in school and in life.

Mindfulness practices can be a powerful tool for helping elementary school children develop important skills such as self-regulation, empathy, and resilience. By incorporating mindfulness into daily routines and using fun and engaging activities, teachers and parents can help children learn to manage their emotions, develop empathy for others, and build inner strength and resilience. The Calm Kids mobile app offers a variety of mindfulness resources specifically designed for elementary school children, making it easy and fun to incorporate mindfulness practices into daily life.

Calm Kids

Mindfulness, Sleep, Stories and Yoga

Calm Kids
