Mindful Parenting Tips
Being a parent has so many obligations that it may come as a surprise to learn that your most significant duty, after keeping your kid physically safe and cared for, is mindfulness parenting, which helps you self-regulate.
Mindfulness is the action of paying conscious attention to one's reality in a nonjudgmental and welcoming manner. You acquire a greater capacity to choose your reaction to what's occurring when you become more aware of your feelings, thoughts, and physical sensations instead of being hijacked by your emotions.
If we want to be the calm, emotionally giving parents and mindful parenting that every kid needs, we must do so. After all, even if you have excellent parenting abilities or tactics, you won't be able to use them if you're not calm and collected. When you engage with your kid in mindfulness parenting, who you are is most important. That is why, as parents, developing a mindfulness parenting sense to manage our own emotions is our most important job.
What does Mindfulness Mean in Parenting?
How to explain mindfulness to kids? To teach children how to hold their emotions and behaviors, you must first learn to hold your own. It's why airlines tell us to put on our oxygen masks first, then put our children's masks on after that. You must first be regulated before you can model regulation for your child. Unfortunately, you won't be able to be there for your child if you're worried, tired, or overwhelmed.
It is important to note that mindful parenting does not suggest that you are a "perfect parent" or that you will succeed. It's not simple, and it takes a lot of practice, but there are good days and bad days, and you can always try again, as there are in many aspects of parenting. You may fail to pay attention, but the minute you become aware of your distraction, you have the chance to make a new decision: to be present.
Mindfulness parenting entails bringing your conscious attention to what's happening instead of getting hijacked by your emotions. Parenting meditation is letting go of past regret and shame and focusing on the current moment. The trick is to accept what is going on rather than change or ignore it.
Paying attention to your feelings is an essential part of mindful parenting. It doesn't mean you can't feel angry or frustrated. Of course, you'll have bad sentiments, but acting on them without thinking is harmful to our parenting.
The Benefits of Mindful Parenting
• You become more aware of your thinking and feelings.
• You become more attentive to your child's needs, thoughts, and feelings, as well as more sensitive to them.
• You have a better understanding of how to manage your emotions.
• Both you and your child grow less judgmental of one another.
• You improve your ability to take a step back from situations and avoid making hasty judgments.
• Your child's relationship with you will strengthen.
Three Key Factors to Mindful Parenting
Pay attention to your feelings when you argue with your child
Take a look at your most recent squabble or a challenging situation with your child. What feelings get elicited? Do you feel outraged, humiliated, or embarrassed? Consider your sensation or trigger as a recurring wave. Avoid repressing or suffocating your emotions. Don't make a hasty decision or disregard it. Do not try to hang on to your feelings. Don't enlarge it any further than it is already. You are not your feelings, and you are not required to act on them. Be fully conscious of your surroundings and fully present. Remind yourself that neither you nor your child is to blame for what happened.
After then, try to see the conflict through your child's eyes. If you can't see goodness in your child during a tantrum or dispute, think of a time when you felt connected to them and responded with compassion. Try to remember that version of your child when you're feeling irritated.
Learn to take a breath before reacting angrily
Finding that peaceful place amid the chaos in mindfulness parenting most crucial and challenging aspect. We practice identifying this spot by focusing our attention on our body and breath since emotions develop as changes in body or breath. Slowing down and concentrating on our body and breath generates a physiological shift in which reflexive reflexes get reduced while prefrontal brain functions get increased.
All of this adds to a more relaxed state of mind, enabling you to sit with the emotion. When we can stop, rather than fueling feelings by focusing on the trigger, we may sense emotions as sensations in our bodies. Instead of responding because we are out of control, we may remind ourselves to breathe and return our thoughts to the current moment at that spot and then choose how we want to behave.

Listen to a child's viewpoint, even if you disagree with it
Your kid will act as if they are a child! This means they won't always be able to keep their emotions under control. Children are still learning to regulate their feelings and have priorities that vary from yours. It's OK if their acts anger you at times.
The problem emerges when adults begin to act like toddlers. Instead, we can model emotional control for our children if we can be attentive — that is, observe our feelings and let them pass without acting on them.
It takes work to learn to pause before reacting. Our capacity to manage our emotions varies depending on the circumstances. That is why it is important to practice self-care. We can't give us all every day and never take the time to replenish ourselves. Many parents feel bad about looking after their personal needs. That isn't self-centered; it is essential. Make self-care a priority since the better you feel, the better you'll be able to deal with the difficulties that come.
How to Start Practicing Mindfulness Parenting?
To begin practicing mindful parenting, you don't need to alter your whole lifestyle.
Open your eyes, both physically and metaphorically
Be conscious of your surroundings and how you feel both inside and out. Information may get absorbed by touch, hearing, sight, smell, and taste.
Be in the current moment
Avoid compulsively planning for the future or obsessing over the past. Look for the good in what's happening right now, right in front of your eyes.
Acceptance should get practiced
Even if your child's feelings and behaviors annoy you, try to accept them. (And take yourself with this acceptance.)
Are you in the midst of a crisis? Concentrate on your breathing. Inhale deeply, filling your lungs with air while focusing your attention on your breath. Feel your breath enter and depart your body as you exhale. Encourage your youngster to take deep breaths at difficult moments as well.
The Bottom Line
Take a breath the next time you're in a parenting scenario that makes you feel like you're about to lose it. Inhale deeply, then exhale completely. Take time to reflect on your thoughts, environment, and child's experience. Then, without straying into past or future ideas, aim toward acceptance in the present now.
Calm Kids is an app that might also assist you in this aspect. This app focuses on mindfulness and meditation for children to improve mental health. The Calm Kids team strives to provide a positive approach to children's wellbeing. With this app, kids may practice de-stressing, calming down, and navigating the complexities of emotions in every setting.